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Online course: Sustainability in everyday working life

In an era where environmental awareness and sustainability are gaining significant importance, it is crucial for companies and their employees to contribute as well. The online course "Sustainability in Everyday Work Life" provides practical and everyday strategies to minimize the ecological footprint at the workplace.

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Sustainability in everyday working life: Why is this course important?

This course is important for several reasons and offers diverse approaches to integrate sustainable practices into daily work routines.

Saving Electricity: Turning Off Lights
One of the simplest measures to save energy is turning off lights in unused rooms. This not only reduces electricity consumption but also extends the lifespan of lighting fixtures.

Saving Electricity with Switches
Power strips with switches allow for the complete shutdown of devices, preventing standby consumption. This is particularly relevant for devices that are rarely used but constantly draw power.

The Commute to Work
The choice of transportation for commuting has significant environmental impacts. The course encourages the use of public transportation, cycling, or carpooling to reduce CO₂ emissions.

Business Travel by Train
Traveling by train is a more environmentally friendly alternative to flying or driving. The course shows how business trips can be optimally planned and executed to minimize environmental impact.

Stairs or Elevator?
Choosing the stairs instead of the elevator saves electricity and promotes employee health. Small changes in daily routines can have a big impact.

Proper Disposal of Cigarette Butts
Proper disposal of cigarette butts is essential as they contain toxic substances that pollute the environment. The course raises awareness about correct disposal and its importance.

Adhering to Waste Separation
Efficient waste separation facilitates recycling and reduces the amount of waste ending up in landfills. The course provides clear instructions on proper separation of paper, plastic, glass, and organic waste.

Air Conditioning and Heating
A conscious use of air conditioning and heating can significantly reduce energy consumption. The course teaches how to optimize settings to save energy without compromising comfort.

Ventilation: Airing Out vs. Tipping Windows
Airing out rooms effectively saves energy. Tipped windows, on the other hand, allow heat to escape continuously. The course explains why airing out is the better option.

What is Sustainable Food?
Sustainable eating means preferring locally sourced and organic foods. The course offers tips on how to eat sustainably at work, whether in the canteen or with brought meals.

Turning Off the Coffee Machine
Turning off the coffee machine after use saves electricity and extends the device's lifespan. The course shows how small actions contribute to energy savings.

Saving Electricity and Water While Dishwashing
Efficient dishwashing can save both water and electricity. The course provides advice on optimal use of dishwashers and on economical hand washing.

Saving Paper When Printing
Conscious printing, such as double-sided printing and using recycled paper, reduces paper consumption. The course promotes mindful use of printing resources.

Avoiding Business Trips
Whenever possible, business trips should be replaced by virtual meetings. The course offers alternatives and supports the implementation of digital communication methods.

Getting Involved
The success of sustainable measures largely depends on the engagement of each individual. The course motivates participants to actively get involved and continuously seek improvement opportunities.

In summary, the course "Sustainability in Everyday Work Life" offers valuable and actionable tips that not only protect the environment but also save costs and raise awareness for sustainable practices. A sustainable workplace is not only beneficial for the environment but also fosters a responsible and forward-thinking company image.

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